middle of such a steppe I sit cross-legged , inhaling air all around me into the whole part of
my body quietly. What actually comes into my body may be only air but I feel as if all the surrounding green also came into my body at the same time.
The fresh and pure air which came into my body seems to contain dew from the night before and to be filled with indescribable purity and transparency.
The air gradually spreads everywhere in my body.
And then I breathe out the air quietly and slowly, taking time.
When I repeat the act endlessly , I feel as if I was liberated from all the conception of me created by
my brain and that my real life itself started to breathe in and out voluntarily.
The reality of all the earthly things

absolute truth can bring unbearable spiritual pain.
So we toss about in excessive pain in order to immortalize our existence. But the curtain has been drawn and our reasoning-power has seen the
bare truth. Childish logic is not persuasive enough.
The goal of our relative meaning of life comes to end when it reaches there and never fills our mind
with its meaning and the spiritual joy all through
our life. Soon the time comes when we have to face our existential anxiety, namely aging and death. Then is there no way to fill our mind with
everlasting spiritual joy? YES, THERE IS!
Bodily understanding is the only way

into the absolute truth of transiency and let go of our hero or heroine called me. Then peace comes into our mind quietly like when we sit in the middle of steppe even if it may not last long.
It may be the ultimate direction Zen points out.
Through such a life we may be able to live our true
life itself. Recently I think this way.
Such a way of life can never be attained intellectually. In fact how unreliable intellectual
understanding may be in actual situations and
never save our real troubled mind. Bodily understanding ! This is the only way to fill the gap
between the fence of our consciousness and the
Reality running right behind our consciousness.
Daily life can be sometimes be monotonous. But
our daily life is the very ground for our every second. We engage ourselves with daily things
simply and selflessly. The difficulty we encounter
in our life gives us a good chance to create fertilizer for bodily understanding. Let's jump into
our transient life as a transient human being as if
we sat in the middle of steppe.
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