unmovable surface of old pond
I had been spending a quiet life with friends such as cloud,moon ,wind,clean moutain stream in the forest far away from human society to avoid the worldly life for a long time.Life there was simple
but change of nature which four seasons presented me was glorious and rewarding enough to make
up for the severe life.On long autumn nights I sometimes felt oppressed by an unbearable quietness
of the forest and the depth of darkness,but at such times I went out of the house, and when I happened
to see the moon lit white birds passing away above me , I felt spiritually satisfied with a feeling of
myself and all surrounding melting into one. My mind was basically governed by absolute quietness.
In a word my subject and external world were harmoniously in a state of oneness.

the sound of water breaking quietness
One of such days when I went to a nearby town , I happened to see a beautiful girl .Oh, how inoccent
and fresh-looking her mouth annd her glance appeared to be! Even Jasmin- like fragrance seemed to be drifting around her long hair. When she turned her eyes towards me ,her eyes seemed to smile at me. What did the smile mean to a lonely man leading an ascetic life for a long time? Since then the
transparent color of my mind was dyed into the color of romance. Every cell of my brain started to
spin aroud the axis of the woman.In the middle of meditation her white teeth shore in my mind.
Not long before my longing for her was developed as much as "I want to be with her" .The deep gulf
between my unsatisfied wish and quiet happiness in the forest tore my heart at nights. Once I had
experienced a similar suffering ,which was caused by the consciousness of never being able to
raise my spirituality.But usually it didn't take much time for my mind to be settled into original state
of quietness where it should be. My reason deep inside my mind said in a whispering voice,"It is no
more than a worldly pain caused by lust."

as if nothing had happened
Leading such days,defeated by unconrollable urge, I went to the town with the hope of seeing her again . Getting close to the spot where I had seen her before, I saw a woman, who looked like her,
walking gracefully just like before. Trying to have a good look at the woman ,I found that it was her.
But this time she was not alone. She was with a nice-looking man! The sight of her arm entangling
his arm was more than cruel to my eyes. My wounded mind said in agony,"Everything is ,after all,
no existing world created by mind. External objects( a beatiful woman ) is reflected on my transparent mirror ( old pond ) ,which is cause of existence, stay there for a while and swallowed into ultimate homeland where everything comes from. We may call such a rise and disappearnce between
subject and object so-called life. In the first place exisntace comes into being only the basis of the
presence of suject and object. I f it were not for either of them , nothing could be appear.
grievous cry by Dosoevsky
"Everything could be allowed without God." said he. I should think that the words was born in absolute lonliness over existential anxiety in this vast universe after he lost the unshakable spritual ground of God. But you may be able to say that his cry was born only by separation between his
subject and objects according to zen. If his subject and objects had been in the state of oneness, his
cry may not have occured. Here is a uniqueness of zen different from other religions . In my next
blog I'd like to talk about the very starting point of zen, a feeling of transiency, with you.